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Running is my time to smile by Jack

Running is my time to smile by Jack

Running hasn’t so much as helped with depression, rather prevented it from happening.

Over the past 24 months I have had some huge changes in my life. In the space of a few months I had a daughter and separated from my wife. As you can imagine, these took their toll. Shortly after this I realised I needed something to help me clear my head. Having spoken to a friend a few months before I thought running might do the trick.

I decided that I was going to give running a go. At the time I could barely run for 200m without being out of breath. I gave couch to 5k a go but it didn’t work for me. I didn’t have the “get up and go” to...well get up and go. So I decided to join a running club. It was quite nerve wracking to sign up. I can honestly say joining the Redway Runners in Milton Keynes was the best decision I could have made. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. It really took a huge pressure off. To keep me motivated and give me something to work for I did what all over ambitious people do and signed up for a marathon. So in Sept, exactly 1 year and 1 week after my first group run, I will take on the Berlin Marathon. I couldn’t think of a better charity to do it for than Mind.

As for how running has helped me prevent depression, I use running as my time to smile. Going out and pushing myself to go faster or further makes me smile (albeit not at the time). Running with new friends makes me realise what a fantastic decision it was.



Many thanks to Jack for sharing his story and you can follow him here:
Instagram - Jacksrunningchallenge

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