From starting out running in 2015 and completing a 5k, to then running a marathon, we wanted to find out a bit more about Carl and what drives his passion for the sport!
1 - How long have you been running for?
I started running in 2015, then I did my first race in July ’15 at the British 10k
2 - What got you in to running?
My Dad is a big influence on me, although he blames me for getting him into running by encouraging him to do a local 10k. He’s since completed almost 20 marathons and I’ve always had that urge to do a marathon, but never thought it possible.
One Sunday morning I decided to go out to get some fresh air and walk along the canal – I got a bit carried away and got a mile and a half away from home in exactly 30mins and an idea popped into my head – could I get home following the same route in 30mins.
There sparked my competitiveness and I guess that was my first “runners high” but from walking. The week after I joined my dad’s Saturday morning breakfast run for a 5k run/walk. I ran about 50yards, walked the majority of the rest and had to get off the canal early as I couldn’t make it round the 5k route planned. It was a tough start to my running career but I learnt a lot from that first run and I went back again and again.
3 - What’s been your greatest achievement to date?
I was tempted to say going out that door for the first time. But it has to be completing my first marathon, not just completing the Marathon but all the trials and struggles along the way made it so much more special. The Marathon is a distance to be respected, the amount of effort and time it takes to train for, the thoughts that you’re not ready makes it all worth it when you cross that finish line.
4 - Do you have any rituals before or after a race that must be stuck to?
Hmmm, I don’t think I do…..turning up late seems to a regular occurrence though?
5 - What’s your favourite post run meal?
Oh easy, Burger, the bigger the better.
6 - What’s the best thing you’ve witnessed at an event?
Ooooh tough one. In my first race I was asked if I wanted to run the last 3k with someone as I clearly looked as though I was struggling.
Finishing the Shrewsbury Half Marathon surrounded by the ukrunchat crew was very special, but a bit tongue in cheek but the Brandenburg Gate at the end of Berlin was the best thing I’ve ever seen during a race.
7 - Of the races you’ve run in, what’s been your favourite and why?
You don’t make these questions easy do you? So many to choose from, Shrewsbury was brilliant, but points taken away for the hills, Reigate this year was fabulous, the whole experience was fantastic, great course, lovely medal , huge meetup, ran the last 100 yards with Kelly Holmes and got a shout out from Susie Chan!
8 - When you’re not running, what’s your favourite past time?
People do other things when they’re not running? Thinking about my running shoes?
I go to weights and HIIT classes at Ministry does Fitness , I’ve got a ton of books to get through (not all running related) and travelling, mostly to races but it still counts! Apart from that a fair bit of time is taken up blogging about my running.
9 - If you could run in a race anywhere in the world, where and why?
London Marathon, it’s my home town and I know people say it’s not the greatest race in the world but it’s been a big part of my life. I remember my Dad going off to London for the first time and being stuck to the TV for hours watching it. The first time I ever came to London was to watch the marathon and since then I’ve cheered and handed out jelly babies and wished I could be on the other side of the barrier.
10 - If you could host a dinner party with 3 other runners (famous or otherwise) who would they be and why? And most importantly, what would be on the menu?
Would I have to share my food?
- Paula Radcliffe – obvious reasons, she’s a legend.
- Usain Bolt – what a personality
- Lisa Jackson – I read her book ‘Your pace or mine’ and finished it the day before Berlin, I love her stories.